black and brown leather padded tub sofa

Terapias psicológicas personalizadas y accesibles

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Sobre Nosotros

Ofrecemos terapias psicológicas personalizadas a bajo costo, adaptadas a tus necesidades y preferencias. ¡Descubre tu bienestar hoy!

A professional consultation setting with a medical professional sitting at a desk facing a client. The room has a modern aesthetic with white walls decorated with framed certificates. The desk is organized with office supplies, a laptop, and a fruit bowl in the center.
A professional consultation setting with a medical professional sitting at a desk facing a client. The room has a modern aesthetic with white walls decorated with framed certificates. The desk is organized with office supplies, a laptop, and a fruit bowl in the center.
Three pieces of paper arranged vertically feature the words 'dialectical', 'behaviour', and 'therapy'. The background is a plain light gray.
Three pieces of paper arranged vertically feature the words 'dialectical', 'behaviour', and 'therapy'. The background is a plain light gray.

Terapias Personalizadas Online

Ofrecemos terapias psicológicas accesibles y personalizadas para tu bienestar emocional. ¡Prueba gratis ahora!

Terapia Psicoanalítica
A vintage-style sign with ornate framing advertises a fortune teller service. The pricing ranges from $5.00 to $40.00 with the tagline 'Pay what you are able, the reading is the same.' The sign features mystical imagery, including an eye symbol and tarot cards. It's set against a colorful background with decorative elements.
A vintage-style sign with ornate framing advertises a fortune teller service. The pricing ranges from $5.00 to $40.00 with the tagline 'Pay what you are able, the reading is the same.' The sign features mystical imagery, including an eye symbol and tarot cards. It's set against a colorful background with decorative elements.

Explora tus pensamientos y emociones con un enfoque profundo y reflexivo.

A serene and well-lit massage therapy room features a massage table adorned with scattered rose petals. The room has soft green walls with a floral accent wall in the back. A hanging white robe and a modern chair are present, along with a glass shower enclosure. The ceiling has recessed lighting, contributing to a calming atmosphere.
A serene and well-lit massage therapy room features a massage table adorned with scattered rose petals. The room has soft green walls with a floral accent wall in the back. A hanging white robe and a modern chair are present, along with a glass shower enclosure. The ceiling has recessed lighting, contributing to a calming atmosphere.
A close-up view of a bookshelf showing a psychology section label with books stored horizontally. One prominent book with a colorful spine that transitions from blue to red is partially visible.
A close-up view of a bookshelf showing a psychology section label with books stored horizontally. One prominent book with a colorful spine that transitions from blue to red is partially visible.
Terapia Cognitiva

Cambia patrones de pensamiento negativos y mejora tu calidad de vida con nuestra ayuda.

Terapia Gestalt

Conéctate con tu aquí y ahora para un crecimiento personal auténtico.
A minimalistic design featuring the phrase 'No One's Crazy' in large, bold text followed by a thought-provoking statement about personal experiences with money. The text is centered on a plain white background.
A minimalistic design featuring the phrase 'No One's Crazy' in large, bold text followed by a thought-provoking statement about personal experiences with money. The text is centered on a plain white background.


Descubre la tranquilidad a través de nuestras terapias personalizadas.

A large banner with the text 'Lembaga Psikologi Terapan DELTA' is displayed prominently. A logo and contact information are included, featuring a website, email address, and phone number. Below the banner, there are two potted plants placed on a black structure.
A large banner with the text 'Lembaga Psikologi Terapan DELTA' is displayed prominently. A logo and contact information are included, featuring a website, email address, and phone number. Below the banner, there are two potted plants placed on a black structure.
A wooden-framed board with horizontal grooves holds red letters spelling out 'SELFCARE IS THE BEST CARE' against a light pink background. The board is placed against a cream-colored wall with a soft pink cloth underneath.
A wooden-framed board with horizontal grooves holds red letters spelling out 'SELFCARE IS THE BEST CARE' against a light pink background. The board is placed against a cream-colored wall with a soft pink cloth underneath.

Las terapias personalizadas de Claridai me han ayudado a encontrar paz y equilibrio en mi vida diaria.

María López

A person is lying on a massage table, covered with a dark towel, receiving a face massage. The massage therapist's hands are gently pressing on the person's forehead and eyes. The environment appears calm and relaxing.
A person is lying on a massage table, covered with a dark towel, receiving a face massage. The massage therapist's hands are gently pressing on the person's forehead and eyes. The environment appears calm and relaxing.
A stack of hardcover books is neatly arranged on an orange-brown armchair. The titles are visible and include topics related to self-help and personal development. The background shows a blur of greenery, suggesting a cozy indoor setting.
A stack of hardcover books is neatly arranged on an orange-brown armchair. The titles are visible and include topics related to self-help and personal development. The background shows a blur of greenery, suggesting a cozy indoor setting.
